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Claudia Schmitz

In Between, Perspectives on Migration, 2016

Video projection onto wind-activated sculptures made from found plastic bags, video, recycled plastic bags, multiple street installations with QR-Codes (dimensions variable)

Perspectives on Migration

Käthe Wenzel and Claudia Schmitz

April 28, 2016


Perspectives on Migration, installations by Käthe Wenzel and Claudia Schmitz about what is a burning issue in their native Germany—and a fact of life in New York City.
Thursday April 28th, 7-9 pm at Dobbin Mews. The artists will present their work at 8 pm.
Schmitz reactivates waste by recycling found plastic bags into wind-activated sculptures. Installed in the city landscape, they serve as three-dimensional, moving screens for her video-projections. In Between shows images from the Mediterranean, creating simultaneous impressions of leisure and drowning, referencing the current refugee crisis in Europe: asking questions about privilege, waste, the sharing of riches, racism, and the disparities in the value of human life.
Wenzel conducts interviews. She talks to people from different backgrounds and generations about why they choose to live in New York rather than the more frequent query, “Where do you come from (and when are you going back)?” From sketches she made during interviews she developed animated cartoons, which she combines with street art and the projects website. Interview quotations and drawings become part of an interactive map of the world – opening up dialogue on the impetus and impact of migration.
The map can be accessed here – or via QR-Codes from the streets of New York.
Claudia Schmitz’ interventions can be found here - and via QR-Codes in the city.

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