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ALMA relies on donations, sponsorships, grant funding, and volunteer and in-kind contributions to support our mission and projects.


Please make your fully tax-deductible contribution here:



Please join our email list!  Feel free to refer friends or contacts who you know would be interested in staying informed about our program.

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You may also mail your contribution to:


Alma On Dobbin

50-52 Dobbin Street

Brooklyn NY 11222


Our donors and supporters are recognized in our relevant publicity and special mailings, and through special Donor Appreciation events and opportunities.




If you would like to volunteer as an organizational assistant, or if you would like to apply for an internship at Alma, please contact us! almaondobbin@gmail.com





Hungarian Initiatives Foundation

JP Morgan Chase

Brooklyn Arts Council

Mary Duke Biddle Foundation

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Sidley Austin LLP

Axis Gallery

South African American Organization

Fine Light Inc. Advertising

Prime Manhattan Realty

Bernard Fleischer & Sons, Inc. Insurance

Kati Vilim



Miklos Müller

Jan Keithly

Winifred Armstrong

Steven Brittan

Steven Chen

Douglas K. Craig

Bridget Goodbody & Neil Radey

Justine M. Gordon

Kenny Mann

Louise McCagg

Louis Meltz

Orel Protopopescu

Richard Rodseth

Alvyda Silinyte & Gytis Kupinas

Robbin Ami Silverberg

Tracy Straus

Vinny Senguttuvan

Andrew J. Ward

András Körner

László Böröcz

Tamás Vészi

Klemens Gruber

Oliver Botar

John Bátki

Adele Eisenstein

Ildikó Szöllosi

Agnes Berecz

András Szántó

Klara Palotai






© ALMA 2014