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Senzeni Marasela

June 2008


Alma On Dobbin, in association with Axis Gallery and Ampersand Foundation, facilitated an artist residency in Manhattan for Senzeni Marasela in June 2008. During her visit, Senzeni Marasela gave a public talk at the Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, where her work was included on the traveling exhibition "Black Womanhood: Images, Icons, and Ideologies of the African Body." While in New York, Alma On Dobbin helped support Marasela’s continued work  on a project entitled "Black Dolls," for which she enacted a performance in Central Park and other New York locations. She also began a collaboration with Alma board member Louise McCagg, creating dolls and masks cast from Marasela, contemporaneous with McCagg’s mask series for the Hungarian pavilion at the 2009 Venice Biennale, where they were incorporated into the Peter Forgacs installation.  

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