Consulate General of Hungary, New York
October 21, 2015 throughNovember 21, 2015
Alma, in collaboration with 2B Galéria , Budapest, and the Balassi Institute, commemorates the anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution with this exhibit. It references those who were imprisoned for tearing down Budapest's statue of Stalin—in jail they were known as "sculptors." It includes works on paper by artists who witnessed the Uprising, József Jakovits and Gyula Marosán, as well as works by numerous artists who responded to an open call in 2006 by 2B Galéria to reflect on the 50th anniversary of the toppling of Stalin's sculpture.
József Jakovits The Revolution Series 1956 - 1989
Gyula Marosán Drawings 1957
Sculptors 2006 (listed below)
© ALMA 2014